We, the Parishioners of St Plus X Parish, In union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and our Cardinal Archbishop, In keeping with the spirit of the motto of our patron saint: “To restore all things in Christ’. believe our mission to be:
Worship – To call all to worship at the Table of the Lord, and to participate in the Sacraments especially the Eucharist.
Evangelization – To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all persons, through word and our personal example.
Education – To teach the saving message of Christ so that all members of our parish community come to a deeper understanding of His Gospel
Community – To strengthen our commitment to one another by imitating Christ’s love and concern for us, and by listening and responding to each other with openness and respect.
Service – To encourage our community to reach out to others in need by sharing our resources
By accepting this mission, We hope to increase the involvement of all members Of the parish community, to enrich our sense of Belonging and to deepen our spiritual life.