In our pews, you’ll find an envelope containing updates about our project and details on how you can contribute. Please take an envelope with you, complete the enclosed card, and return it in the provided envelope by mail or drop off at the Rectory during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). We encourage you to share this information with your family and friends. Invite them to visit our website and social media pages: spx_broomall and spx_parish on Instagram and St. Pius X School-Broomall, PA and St. Pius X Parish on Facebook to stay informed. Your support is vital to the success of our fundraising initiative, enabling us to make the necessary repairs to our school building facade.
Click here to visit our Building the Future: Brick by Brick site
We also received some multi-year pledges from generous members of our Parish Community. Their commitment to supporting our project over the coming years is inspiring, and ensures our efforts will have a lasting impact on the students, families, and future of our school.
You can make a multi-year pledge as well! Support can be for 1 – 2 – or – 3 year terms. Pledges can be made manually, or electronically. Please contact Erin Donovan at or 610-500-1400 to learn more about pledge options and to set up your pledge today!
St. Pius X School has been shaping students’ education and faith foundation for nearly 70 years. Since opening in 1957, the school has nurtured thousands of children who have gone on to excel as leaders in various fields. Our alumni have become physicians, educators, business professionals, musicians, attorneys, parents, religious leaders, and community advocates.
With a 70 year old building, comes challenges. Over the past year, our parish has worked diligently to ensure the safety of our building and property. We brought in experts and invested over 1 million dollars to begin to address the building’s issues. In order to fully complete the work and ensure the strong future of our school, we will need additional funds. We are beginning to develop a capital campaign to raise the funds to complete this project.
This is where your support is vital! Please consider donating—every gift matters. In addition to monetary donations, help us spread the word to alumni, former school families, former parishioners, friends, and others so that we can achieve our goals and continue our mission of providing a faith filled education for generations to come.